Monday, 8 January 2018

P2 - Campaign proposal

For my advertising campaign I plan to create two media components that can encourage students to enrol at Deyes High sixth form for September 2018. The two media components I will create will be a poster and a radio advert. My intention is that the poster can be displayed on various platforms such as notice boards around the local area and online on social media sites and the official Deyes website. Regarding my radio advert, I plan to release it to local radio stations where they play it on their stations for parents and pupils to hear, primarily whilst in the car. I also intent to release my audio advert online. I plan to release it on YouTube and Soundcloud. I am planning on releasing it on these sites as it is free advertisement and can be heard by anyone which will broaden potential audience. My target audience for the media advertising campaign will be students who are currently studying GCSE’s and the parents of these children. I plan to target children in this age group as they are coming toward the end of their high school life and are beginning to think about what they will be doing after they have finished year 11. I will also be targeting the parents of these children as they have influence over what their children do after high school and only have the best intentions for their children.

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D2 - How I met the client brief

I believe that I have met the client brief by producing two multi-media components that can helps assist in recruiting GCSE students ...